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JavaScript Asynchronous env JSON Javascript Shell

A styled command line conversation and direct prompts based on nodeJS, readline-sync using gpt-3.5-turbo model and your defined assistant, env…

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JavaScript Asynchronous body-parser env Express Express-Session Mustache JSON

NodeJS app and form requests using express, express-session, mustache, body-parser, dotenv, nodemon, fs, helmet in require module system.

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TYPO3 tsConfig TypoScript Fluid-Snippet

Some configuration examples using typoscript, fluid and twig template engine (cvc_twig).

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TYPO3 TypoScript Extbase Fluid-Snippet Fetch-API

TYPO3 11, 12 asynchronous request examples using fluid, typoscript & extbase, extbase controller classes.

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TYPO3 Fluid-Snippet TMENU TypoScript

Typoscript for a TMENU for 3 level pages in TYPO3 12 using MenuProcessor & link thumbnail images fetched from the target page's resources.

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JavaScript Express Express-Session JSON

How to write a file from nodejs app using express-session, filesystem with given array data.

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MySQL MariaDB Shell Join Select

Generated MySQL commands for managing tables, select, delete, update and some joins in short examples.

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JavaScript ES6 Javascript Locale Vanilla JS

Set & show the javascript server / client time in various formats.

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Linux Debian PHP Shell Raspberry

Ondrej's repository is the main and most up to date repository offering PHP packages and PECL extensions to Debian and Ubuntu based operating systems

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JavaScript Javascript Vanilla JS ES6 JSON Asynchronous Fetch-API PHP

ES6 examples for asynchronous HTTP requests using fetch and some different formats.

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Linux htaccess Shell Apache

Script snippets for individual redirects or to avoid BE login errors in Typo3 versions from V 11. Furthermore, special settings for CORS, X-Frame…

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TYPO3 Debian Docker Raspberry Shell Portainer

Steps to install portainer GUI on a raspberry pi4 with preinstalled docker CLI.

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TYPO3 Composer FreeBSD Debian Shell Raspberry Apache

Composer shell commands & routines for installing, updating and modifying a new system or third-party extensions. Also upgrade to Composer Mode 4 for…

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Linux Debian Shell MariaDB

How to install MySQL version 8.0 and further configuration steps on a debian server.

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Linux Composer Docker Shell Raspberry Debian

About docker and how to install on debian command line. Further commands for output and options to control system overview, regarding composer (…

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TYPO3 TypoScript Fluid-Snippet key-field RTE tsConfig typoscriptObjectPath Locale e-Book

Links, cheat sheets and daily business TypoScript / Fluid operations.

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Some extbase controller examples to create plugin flexforms, receive data from them, individual queries, etc.

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Linux Shell Find Grep Mount Samba Debian FreeBSD

Debian, Ubuntu & Co common system/file operations as well as configuration examples with regard to the listed articles.

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