W: H: YOffset??

TypoScript-Fluid snippets part1

Links, cheat sheets and daily business TypoScript / Fluid operations.

cObject in fluid template
Provides a connection to Typoscript, e.g. in an external file.


    # <!-- /Partials/xxx.html -->
        <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.contactForm" />


 key.field = layout 
How to set individual layout settings for content_elements per selection ( Tab → Appearance / Erscheinungsbild )


    # setup.ts
    tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject = CASE
       tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
           key.field = layout
        270 = TEXT
        270.value = <article class="maxWidth1460 whiteBg stdPadding"><div class="inner">|</div></article>


# tsconfig.ts
TCEFORM.tt_content {
           addItems {                
            270 = Max-width 1200px whiteBg stdPadding




     TCEFORM.tt_content.frame_class {
      addItems {
      top-search = top-search




lib.contactFormHeader = COA
lib.contactFormHeader {
    10 < styles.content.get
    10 {
        select.pidInList = 96
        #slide = -1
        select.where = colPos=2
        stdWrap.wrap (
          <div id="contactSupport">|</div>


Oops, an error occured
Show detailed error reporting in frontend instead of ‘oops …’


# setup.typoscript
config {
contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0


Rendered page ID or class to body tag


# setup.typoscript
page = PAGE
page {
typeNum = 0
bodyTag >
bodyTagCObject = TEXT
bodyTagCObject.dataWrap = <body id="p{field:uid}">


config page example


// ############################  CONFIG
config {
   #absRefPrefix = auto
   cache_period = 86400
   debug = 0
   disablePrefixComment = 1
   doctype = html5
   extTarget =
   index_enable = 1
   index_externals = 1
   index_metatags = 1
   inlineStyle2TempFile = 1
   intTarget =
   linkVars = L
   metaCharset = utf-8
   no_cache = 0
   pageTitleFirst = 1
   prefixLocalAnchors = all
   removeDefaultJS = 0
   renderCharset = utf-8
   sendCacheHeaders = 1
   uniqueLinkVars = 1
   // Disable image upscaling
   noScaleUp = 0
   admPanel = 0
   // Compression and concatenation of CSS and JS Files
   compressCss = 0
   compressJs = 0
   concatenateCss = 0
   concatenateJs = 0
config.additionalHeaders {
  10.header = Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
  20.header = X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN
  30.header = X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
  40.header = X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
  50.header = Referrer-Policy:no-referrer
  60.header = X-Powered-By:nothing
config {
        linkVars = L(int)
        sys_language_uid = 1
        sys_language_overlay = 1
        # fall back to language 'da', then to 'de' and as last resort use 'en'
        #sys_language_mode = content_fallback;2,1,0
        language = de
        locale_all = de_DE.UTF-8
        htmlTag_setParams = lang="de" dir="ltr" class="no-js"